両親の高齢再婚により突然ギャルが義妹になった。引きこもりでニートの僕とは当然反りが合わず見下した態度をとられ恨みを募らせていた。ある日両親が2泊3日の旅行に行ったタイミングで妹に睡眠薬を盛りレ×プを決行。 その日から両親が帰ってくるまで徹底的に監禁調教。僕のいいなりになるまで躾けてやった。
Due to her parents remarriage at an advanced age, a gal suddenly became her sister-in-law. Naturally, she didn’t get along well with my girlfriend, who was a shut-in and a NEET, and he looked down on her, which made her resent him. One day, when her parents went on a trip for 3 days and 2 nights, they gave her sister sleeping pills and raped her. She was thoroughly confined and trained from that day until her parents returned. I trained her until she obeyed me.